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This blog exists to share insights and comments related to spiritual transformation— and how that may happen in your life, and also to answer questions stirred up after visiting our website:  For a brief bio of me…

Maybe you have had years of exposure to traditional religious concepts.  Perhaps you’ve been searching off the beaten path and explored radical ideas and perspectives.  Or maybe… you’re just frustrated with the whole baffling world of spiritual causes and issues.

But whatever your back ground, from my years of teaching experience I have found more than ninety eight percent of adults do not understand how the inner world of the heart freezes at a very early age– and typically stays frozen for a lifetime.  That was true for me too.  Even after thirty years of seeking and searching, I had no clue there was a deep inner realm, buried within me.

It was like going into my back yard, stumbling across a tiny opening in the lawn, and then… Peering inside that hole, seeing an underground lake, ten miles across, with no visible support for the roof.  And the roof was a few feet thick, supporting the lawn… and my house.

I was both terrified, and transfixed.  How could this be?  Why had I never read about this before?  Shouldn’t something so astounding be in all the papers? On TV and the internet?  I was secretly devastated by my ignorance and… partially convinced I had flipped out.

But even as these questions bubbled around and within my awareness, my inner sense of joy and freedom was simply… breath taking.  I won’t repeat all the feelings and sensations thundering through me, as I’ve written about them in detail elsewhere (  But I knew, with profound certainty, that I had to share this journey.  Somehow, I needed to write and describe this inner world and the keys that allow access.

I also realized some might think me presumptuous— or deluded.  It’s not easy to explain in a few sentences just how throughly I’ve researched these experiences, or convey how suspicious I was in earlier years that anything could still be hidden from my decades of seeking and searching.

I’m also a writer and a professional litigation consultant.  I have quite a few high profile clients, and perform litigation based inspections for pending court cases. I typically analyze conditions, contracts, specifications and legal statutes.  I write reports for superior and federal court cases, and have testified in court as an expert witness more than seventy times.  My wife and I have four adult kids, six grandchildren and been married for more than thirty five years.

I never, never dreamed I’d be writing a blog like this.  Sure, I like attention, but I’m basically shy and go out of my way to avoid extremes, hype and sensationalism of all types.  To add to that, I don’t doubt I’ll lose clients as a result of this blog, and be ridiculed for even daring to speak about such issues.

I’m willing to pay that price.  Some things in life are so important, you must risk humiliation.  I’ve had friends die suddenly in recent years.  I never got to tell them about what happened to me. They died in confusion and despair.  In their last days, all thoughts of business vanished.  I heard afterwards how desperate they were to find out about love after death, whether heaven exists, and why they were not healed…

So it’s time for me to speak. What happened to me, and what it means for you… I’ve known, deep in my heart, since that first day, that I had to try and describe the indescribable.  You can read about that in detail on our web site, along with video and audio material.

On this blog, I’ll post my thoughts and insights on crucial and difficult topics, like pain, heaven and hell, miraculous healing, what happens when we die… And I’ll also answer your questions.  You may wonder why I have the audacity to claim any knowledge of these things.  I’d like to add this last clarification: these insights are not my own.  They were given to me during my encounters.  All thanks and honor goes to the one true God.

Chris McMinn,
Santa Rosa, CA


When The Heart Melts

Author When The Heart Melts

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